To-Do List

Do other fonts 
   VARKON ISO 8859-2
   Holtzmann/Hurt fonts
   GNU Plotutils fonts

Merge Holzmann/WH data missing from PL into PL data
Diff Holzmann data with PL data to see which glyphs modified

Decipher image format and convert data to Hurt encoding from
to track down remaining glyph origins

Find Hershey TrueBASIC data distribution !

Obtain Hershey FORTRAN typographic system paper
Find Hershey CGIP paper

Obtain remaining Hershey papers (NTIS)
even nontypographic ones, 
but of those especially the ones typeset with his system

Obtain Dick & Hilsenrath, Doyle, Stevens & Little, Wolcott papers (NTIS)

Scan Hershey & other papers which are in public domain, put online on

Find a LeRoy lettering set for Old English (Hershey Blackletter)
Find info on Varityper Headliner Typemaster (Hershey Script)

Find pre-1960 papers of Dr. Hershey
Find more biographical information on Dr. Hershey

Finish "Raster and Height Issues" section 2 - "Width"

Exploring Dr. Hershey's Typography